In this post I will show you how to protect your pen drive by creating fake dummy file. The idea here is to cheat virus so that it "sees" our pen drive is already full, so it will not be able to write itself. In order to do that you first need to check the exact free space on your pen drive. Right click on the pen drive and select "properties".
With the information obtained, you need to type in the following line of code. Change your drive letter and USB flash drive space (in byte) accordingly.
fsutil file createnew F:\DummyFile 7168172032
You are done if you are using windows XP. Your pen drive should be safe from virus. Unfortunately, Windows Vista users need to take additional step because of its tight security. You need to make sure that FSUTIL gets full administrator privilege before you could successfully run the command.
Alternative method
If you don't want to mess up with the command and Vista tight security, you can use some applications that can do the job on the fly.
Dummy File Creator
With dummy file creator you can fill up each and every single byte in your pen drive. It takes a few minute to complete creating the dummy file especially if the size is in the region of gigabytes.
Download link
Just google for "dummy file creator" and you will find many similar tools like NOD32 Dummy File Creator.
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