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Friday, August 27, 2010

How to Disable Firefox plugin-container.exe Process


Are you addicted to Firefox, ya, But most of them meeting a problem as slow down the whole computer and makes browsing slow on your computer? If yes mean, it may be due to plugin-container.exe, which was added in recent version of Firefox to prevent browser crash. New version of Firefox web browser loads certain plugins in a separate process (plugin-container.exe) to provide you uninterrupted browsing even when certain plugins stops working. But the problem is, plugin-container.exe may use a lot of memory and slow down your computer. You may experience the problem more often while viewing online flash videos. So, want to disable or stop plugin-container.exe in Firefox , Follow these simple steps:

Stop plugin-container.exe Firefox

Steps to stop plugin-container.exe process:

    * Open Firefox web browser.
    * Type about:config in the address bar and press Enter key.
    * A warning will appear. Ignore it and press the "I’ll be careful, I promise!" button.
    * In the Filter field type dom.ipc. Six preferences will appear for the filter dom.ipc.
    * Ignore first and last preferences. Toggle (double-click) each of the four remaining preferences to change the value from "true" to "false".
    * Like the Below screenshot.

Explanation: The crash protection feature in Firefox 3.6 is enabled for certain plugins only. The four preferences that we modified here specifies four different out-of-process plugins. They are the the NPAPI test plugin, Adobe Flash, Apple QuickTime (Windows) and Microsoft Silverlight (Windows). These plugins are specified in a separate dom.ipc.plugins.enabled. preference by default is set to true. We can disable them by changing their value to false. And thus plugin-container.exe will not run. By default the preference dom.ipc.plugins.enabled is already set to "false". So, no need to touch it. The dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs is also not important here as other values are false. 

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1 Response to How to Disable Firefox plugin-container.exe Process

September 1, 2010 at 10:44 PM

Nice post, most of days, these process eats more of my memorey.... thanks..

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